CACP profile

All teams and organizations are different in terms of Culture, Ambition, Capacity and Profile mix (CACP). Some gifted managers can adapt to most teams and improve performance.

Other managers can only work in certain CACP profiles and cannot perform in others. 
Football managers are a good example. Some achieve great success with one team and cannot replicate it elsewhere or with different players or changing circumstances. A small minority of managers are able to perform through time and with different teams. 

This highlights the importance to understand, adapt to the team and work in line with the teams CACP. It would be wrong to pretend that one style fits all and that one management process works for all CACP profiles. Managers have to change their methods in line with the CACP. Changing the Team's CACP is also possible, but is more costly and may not have the required outcome.

Culture - This describes the predominent culture in the team. For example is it an engineering culture?  or sales oriented? maybe detail driven, or even lazy?

Ambition - What is the ambition level of the team? Is it happy with what is has? does it continually drive improvements ? Are they ready to change, grow or develop new products? 

Capacity - This is about the production capabilities of the team and all the tools required to deliver it's objectives. Does the team have the right skill levels? does it have the right systems in place? the right processes? the right management?

Profile Mix - This is the mix and balance of psychological profiles in the team. Is the team mainly action driven? is it creative? how many are helpers? how many are followers, or reformers? does the team have the right mix of profiles?

Below are some basic CACP principles:

1) Understand your teams CACP.
  • Talk to the team members individually. Challenge them about some of the issues and ask them how they would fix the problems. Get to know the team.
  • Regularly walk the floor and talk to the team directly on issues or wins, or even themselves.
  • Social events are a great way to get a grasp of the underlying issues in the team.
  • Get the team to sit through individual profile analysis based on the work from the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This will help each individual to understand themselves and how they fit in the team, but will also give you insight on the psychological profile of the team. By plotting the qualities of your team on this chart you will get a better insight into the strength and weaknesses.
2) Once you have defined the CACP of your team, you should have a good understanding of what you must do to improve the performance and elaborate the teams management plan and objectives.
For example, if your team lacks technical knowledge and uses inadequate tools (Capacity), you should start a training program and free budget to upgrade the tools.

You might have a team with predominantly Coordinators (mix of Profiles) and as a result it may lack some ambition and creativity. You could decide to bring in some new profiles to the team with predominantly Motivator or Director profiles.

3) Recruitment becomes easier and improves your chances of success once you know your CACP. Make sure you recruit the profiles that enhance the qualities of your team's CACP. Make sure you use recruiters that understand personality differences and can recruit people according to various profiles and not just on education and professional experience. Recruitment becomes multidimensional by adding all the CACP profile mix. 

4) Enhance your teams’ performance objectives with CACP objectives. It is important to set team objectives and individual objectives. Both types should be elaborated and approved by the relevant owners

Date created: 07/03/2017       Date modified: 03/09/2021
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